Nano Technology News
Skyrmions achieve unprecedented speeds promising future computing advances
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Skyrmions achieve unprecedented speeds promising future computing advances
by Erica Marchand
Paris, France (SPX) Apr 19, 2024

Researchers have made a significant advancement in the field of spintronics by accelerating skyrmions, magnetic nanobubbles, to speeds reaching 900 m/s using electrical currents. This development was led by an international team at CNRS.

Previously, these nanobubbles, envisioned as potential future bits for computer memory, moved at a maximum speed of 100 m/s-insufficient for practical computing applications. The breakthrough came with the employment of an antiferromagnetic material, allowing skyrmions to achieve speeds nearly ten times faster.

Published in the journal Science on March 19, these findings mark a critical step toward higher-performance and more energy-efficient computing technologies. The research aligns with the goals of the SPIN national research program, initiated on January 29, which aims to foster innovative spintronic research and contribute to a more efficient digital future.

Research Report:Fast current induced skyrmion motion in synthetic antiferromagnets without skyrmion Hall effect

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