Novel solid-state nanomaterial platform enables terahertz photonics
Compact, sensitive and fast nanodetectors are considered to be somewhat of a "Holy Grail" sought by many researchers around the world. And now a team of scientists in Italy and France has been inspi ... more
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X-ray pulses uncover free nanoparticles for the first time in 3-D
For the first time, a German-American research team has determined the three-dimensional shape of free-flying silver nanoparticles, using DESY's X-ray laser FLASH.
The tiny particles, hundreds ... more
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Trump's approach to space policy could throw up some surprises, especially with Elon Musk on board
SpaceX launches 24 Starlink satellites in back end of coast-to-coast double launch
South Pole Safety: NASA seeks innovative Lunar rescue solutions
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New understanding of electron behavior at tips of carbon nanocones could help provide candidates
One of the ways of improving electrons manipulation is though better control over one of their inner characteristics, called spin. This approach is the object of an entire field of study, known as s ... more
Turing also present at the nanoscale
In the world of single atoms and molecules governed by chaotic fluctuations, is the spontaneous formation of Turing patterns possible - the same ones that are responsible for the irregular yet perio ... more
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Nanotubes self-organize and wiggle: Evolution of a nonequilibrium system demonstrates MEPP
The second law of thermodynamics tells us that all systems evolve toward a state of maximum entropy, wherein all energy is dissipated as heat, and no available energy remains to do work. Since the m ... more
A nanoscale solution to the big problem of overheating in microelectronic devices
Anyone who has ever toasted the top of their legs with their laptop or broiled their ear on a cell phone knows that microelectronic devices can give off a lot of heat. These devices contain a multit ... more
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Penta-graphene, a new structural variant of carbon, discovered
Researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University and universities in China and Japan have discovered a new structural variant of carbon called "penta-graphene" - a very thin sheet of pure carbon that ... more