
Water clears path for nanoribbon development
New research at Rice University shows how water makes it practical to form long graphene nanoribbons less than 10 nanometers wide. And it's unlikely that many of the other labs currently trying to h ... more
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Nanotechnology breakthrough is big deal for electronics
University of Akron researchers have developed new materials that function on a nanoscale, which could lead to the creation of lighter laptops, slimmer televisions and crisper smartphone visual disp ... more
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New NIST nanoscale indenter takes novel approach to measuring surface properties
Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of North Carolina have demonstrated a new design for an instrument, a "instrumented nanoscale indenter," ... more
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Off-grid sterilization with Rice U.'s 'solar steam'
Rice University nanotechnology researchers have unveiled a solar-powered sterilization system that could be a boon for more than 2.5 billion people who lack adequate sanitation. The "solar steam" st ... more