
Nano-thermometer enables first atomic-scale heat transfer measurements
In findings that could help overcome a major technological hurdle in the road toward smaller and more powerful electronics, an international research team involving University of Michigan engineerin ... more
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Controlling magnetic clouds in graphene
In a report published in Nature Communications, a University of Manchester team led by Dr Irina Grigorieva shows how to create elementary magnetic moments in graphene and then switch them on and off ... more
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Polymer structures serve as 'nanoreactors' for nanocrystals with uniform sizes, shapes
Using star-shaped block co-polymer structures as tiny reaction vessels, researchers have developed an improved technique for producing nanocrystals with consistent sizes, compositions and architectu ... more
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Sun-Grazing Comet Flies Deep Into Solar Corona
On December 15-16, 2011, a Sun-grazing comet, designated Lovejoy (C/2011 W3), passed deep within the hot solar atmosphere - the corona - effectively probing a region that could never be visited by s ... more