
Controlling magnetic clouds in graphene
In a report published in Nature Communications, a University of Manchester team led by Dr Irina Grigorieva shows how to create elementary magnetic moments in graphene and then switch them on and off ... more
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Polymer structures serve as 'nanoreactors' for nanocrystals with uniform sizes, shapes
Using star-shaped block co-polymer structures as tiny reaction vessels, researchers have developed an improved technique for producing nanocrystals with consistent sizes, compositions and architectu ... more
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Sun-Grazing Comet Flies Deep Into Solar Corona
On December 15-16, 2011, a Sun-grazing comet, designated Lovejoy (C/2011 W3), passed deep within the hot solar atmosphere - the corona - effectively probing a region that could never be visited by s ... more
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Carbon nanotubes for molecular magnetic resonances
More resistant than steel, carbon nanotubes are one of the strongest and hardest materials known. Their impressive electrical and thermal properties make them an extremely versatile material.
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