
Sun-Grazing Comet Flies Deep Into Solar Corona
On December 15-16, 2011, a Sun-grazing comet, designated Lovejoy (C/2011 W3), passed deep within the hot solar atmosphere - the corona - effectively probing a region that could never be visited by s ... more
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Carbon nanotubes for molecular magnetic resonances
More resistant than steel, carbon nanotubes are one of the strongest and hardest materials known. Their impressive electrical and thermal properties make them an extremely versatile material.
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New microfluidic method expands toolbox for nanoparticle manipulation
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed a new flow-based method for manipulating and confining single particles in free solution, a process that will help addres ... more
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Kaspersky Lab Uncovers Global Cyberespionage Network
Kaspersky Lab, a Russian computer security company, said on Tuesday its experts have uncovered a global cyberespionage campaign, which may have been in existence for nearly a decade and compromised ... more