
The science behind a self-assembled nano-carbon helix
Nanotechnology draws on the fabrication of nanostructures. Scientists have now succeeded in growing a unique carbon structure at the nanoscale that resembles a tiny twirled moustache.
Their me ... more
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UC Riverside scientists discovering new uses for tiny carbon nanotubes
The atom-sized world of carbon nanotubes holds great promise for a future demanding smaller and faster electronic components. Nanotubes are stronger than steel and smaller than any element of silico ... more
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First precise MEMS output measurement technique unveiled
The commercial application of MEMS, or micro-electro-mechanical systems, will receive a major boost following the presentation of a brand new way to accurately measure the power requirements and out ... more
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Pitt Chemists Demonstrate Nanoscale Alloys So Bright They Could Have Potential Medical Applications
Alloys like bronze and steel have been transformational for centuries, yielding top-of-the-line machines necessary for industry. As scientists move toward nanotechnology, however, the focus has shif ... more