
Researchers use graphene quantum dots to detect humidity and pressure
The latest research from a Kansas State University chemical engineer may help improve humidity and pressure sensors, particularly those used in outer space. Vikas Berry, William H. Honstead professo ... more
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Dual-colour lasers could lead to cheap and efficient LED lighting
A new semiconductor device capable of emitting two distinct colours has been created by a group of researchers in the US, potentially opening up the possibility of using light emitting diodes (LEDs) ... more
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Do-it-yourself invisibility with 3D printing
Seven years ago, Duke University engineers demonstrated the first working invisibility cloak in complex laboratory experiments. Now it appears creating a simple cloak has become a lot simpler.
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Columbia engineers manipulate a buckyball by inserting a single water molecule
Columbia Engineering researchers have developed a technique to isolate a single water molecule inside a buckyball, or C60, and to drive motion of the so-called "big" nonpolar ball through the encaps ... more